Hi there! Welcome to my homepage. I am an Assistant Professor in the Data Science and Analytics (DSA) Thrust at the Information Hub, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou).

My research leverages data science principles to tackle challenges in computational sustainability. Representative ongoing topics include: (i) energy-efficient power management in datacenters, (ii) load modeling and monitoring of smart energy systems, and (iii) resource management of cloud/edge computing systems. Additionally, I am keen on utilizing cutting-edge AI and machine learning techniques to address real-world problems, particularly within computing and networking systems.

Recruitment: I am seeking self-motivated PhD students, RAs and Interns. If you are interested in working with me, please send me an email with your CV and transcripts.

Email: guomingtang [at] hkust-gz [dot] edu [dot] cn


  • Nov. 2024: Our paper on real-world NILM system deployment won the Best Paper Award of SustainCom’24.
  • Sept. 2024: Our work on NILM systems got accepted to SustainCom’24.
  • Jun. 2024: Our work on low-carbon edge computing system got accepted to ICPP’24.
  • Mar. 2024: One paper got accepted to IEEE TPDS.
  • Jan. 2024: Two papers got accepted to IEEE Network and TMC, respectively.
  • Dec. 2023: One Paper got accepted to IEEE TPDS.
  • Nov. 2023: Two papers got accepted to IEEE TGCN and IoT-J, respectively.
  • Aug. 2023: One survey paper got accpeted to ACM Computing Surveys.
  • Aug. 2023: Three papers got accepted to IEEE IoT-J.
  • May. 2023: One paper got accepted to ICDCS’23.
  • May. 2023: FedNILM was published by IEEE TGCN.
  • Apr. 2023: HyEdge got accepted to ACM TIOT.